PMO Workshop and PMO-CP Certificate

Vabljeni na delavnico o projektni pisarni (PMO), ki jo bo vodil Americo Pinto, 18. marca 2022, od 13. do 17. ure, v živo, v Ljubljani. Omejena ponudba zajema delavnico in pridobitev certifikata po zelo ugodni ceni. Dogodek za vas organizira PMI Slovenija in PMO Global Alliance.

PMO workshop Americo Pinto

Learn and discover how PMO can create value for a company and be successful at it, and how a top project management office (PMO) becomes critical of its leaders and organization. The workshop will be led by Americo Pinto, one of the world's leading PMO experts.

Limited offer covers

  • 4-hour workshop, led by Americo Pinto, live in Ljubljana
  • 7-hour online PMO-CP (Project Management Office Certified Practitioner) certification process
  • Online PMO-CP exam (first attempt)
  • issuance of a PMO-CP digital certificate by the PMO Global Alliance


The price of a 4-hour live workshop and certificate is € 350 instead of € 1,000, according to the limited offer. There are only 10 places available, so hurry up and register now!


The workshop will take place at Better d.o.o., Štukljeva cesta 48, Ljubljana.

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