Results Of The 2022 Elections

The results of the 2022 elections to the Executive and Advisory Boards are known, we invite you to have a look at them.

The submission of candidacies took place via the online application form on the website of the association from 12.12.2021 to 31.12.2021. 5 applications were received for the Executive Board for the following positions: President of the Association, Secretary VP, Treasurer and Finance VP, Members and Volunteers VP, University Academic Outreach VP, one application for each.

82 members had the right to vote at the time of the election. Elections were available to members via the PMI Global electronic voting system from 5 January 2022 to 5 February 2022. Out of all 82 members, 30 members voted.

udelezba na volitvah

Extract from the electoral system - participation in the 2022 elections

Executive Board

The following were elected to the Executive Board:

Marko Golob

President of the Association

uros orehek

Uroš Orehek

University Academic Outreach VP

Mira Grabeljšek

Members and Volunteers VP

Maja Brajković

Secretary VP

marjana skubic

Marjana Skubic

Treasurer and Finance VP

Extract from the electoral system - results for the Executive Board

Advisory Board

The following candidates with the most votes were confirmed in the 3-member Advisory Board:

Matjaž Likar

Jelena Ječmenić

Sonja Kralj

Extract from the electoral system - results for the Advisory Board

The Advisory Board will appoint the Chairman and notify the Executive Board of the decision by 24 February 2022 at the latest, which will record the decision in the Minutes of the General Assembly.

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