Change Management Certification Training

In January, PDiVision is once again organizing a change management certification training, this time with international participation and in English. The training will last for 3 days, between 19 and 21 January 2022 and will take place online. After completing the training, you will receive the world-renowned Prosci Change Practitioner certificate.

certification training

In the workshop you will learn how to manage change and understand how it improves project and organizational results, how the model of personality change works and how to lead individuals through specific change, how to assess project and organizational readiness for change, identify groups of people affected by the change, identify and respond in a timely manner to potential project inhibitors, identify and manage people's resistance, build an integrated strategy for implementing a specific project change, make a change management plan as a complementary and supportive plan to the project plan, communicate with various project stakeholders ensuring project results, involve and support project sponsors and changes in order to achieve the set project results, and effectively present the importance of change management and selected business case to managers.

By participating in an intensive three-day certification training, you also receive:

  • Materials, including a summary of the latest research on best practice in change management.
  • Access to Prosci Change Management tools.
  • Access to the international community of change managers, the possibility of connecting and exchanging experiences and other regular activities of the community.
  • World-renowned Certificate in Change Management Prosci Change Practitioner.

The price of change management certification training

PMI Slovenia members have a special discount of 478 euros or 21%. Become a member and get a discount!

Certification change management training (excluding VAT): € 2,275 / participant Discount for PMI members: 21% Discount price for PMI members (excluding VAT): € 1,797 / participant

For all micro, small and medium-sized companies, it is possible to get a voucher for raising digital competencies in the amount of € 600. So the price for participants with a voucher is € 1,197 + VAT. Read more about the voucher here.

The workshop is set up practically so 95% presence with a camera and microphone is required.


For more information about training and the process of obtaining a voucher, contact PDiVision, they will be happy to help you.

Email: Phone: 051 321 207

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